Increase women's participation in the digital workforce
- Top quality, experience-based education
aligned with market needs - Increases women’s employment chances by 50%
- Highly efficient for mothers and
women in rural areas

How DareIT supports Vision 2030
Dare IT develops the Saudi female workforce,
enabling them to unlock their full potential
and make impactful contributions to the Saudi digital economy.
Professional development into IT
Developed to empower individuals with personalized guidance,
skill development,
and career support.
training programs
Developed with Stanford University and top IT employers
to teach individuals practical skills needed on the job
of various IT career paths.
Increase employment
chances by 50%
Designed based on
labour market needs and
top-notch educational know-how ensuring high job placement efficiency.
Highly efficient for mothers
and women in rural areas
Designed to overcome
common challenges
of these groups,
ensuring access to IT jobs for all.
Developed with Stanford University
Since 2021 we cooperate with scientists from Stanford University to ensure the top quality of DareIT programs.
Stanford researchers have proven that participation in the DareIT programs increase women's chances of finding an IT job by nearly 50%.
DareIT programs can serve as an efficient way of reaching Visions 2030's objective of increasing number of women in the workforce.
Long-standing partnerships and alignment with the labor market
Over 50 companies build and develop their IT talent with us.

Bringing thousands of women to IT since 2018

In our community of women interested and/or employed in IT jobs
In our mentoring and
experience-based training programs
Job placements
Among participants
of our programs
Razem tworzymy kurs o samoskuteczności i badamy oraz udoskonalamy skuteczność naszych działań.

Od lutego 2021 roku współpracujemy z Uniwersytetem Stanforda. Wspólne projekty badawcze udowadniają, że nasze programy mają wysoką skuteczność we wspieraniu przebranżowienia do IT.
The participants of the DareIT Portfolio Challenge demonstrate unprecedented ambition, motivation, potential and talent, and DareIT very effectively helped us select the final candidates for the internship - such cooperation is a bull's-eye.
We see the partnership with Dare IT as an excellent opportunity to acquire motivated and, above all, very well-prepared juniors. Thanks to close cooperation, we receive proposals to accept candidates with a specific profile, which allows us to save time and costs of long recruitment processes.
Dare IT Challenge is a demanding course completed by motivated people who strive for their goals and who really want to fulfill their professional dreams! Thanks to cooperation with mentors, they are prepared for the challenges awaiting them in everyday work, in a real team, they are able to independently expand their knowledge and have a very positive attitude.
Thanks to our cooperation and the help of Dare IT and the recommendations of the best portfolios, we were able to efficiently select the right person. The course graduate demonstrated a holistic approach to product design, an impressive presentation of the project both at the visual level and the structure of the statement itself, as well as the justification of design decisions.